I'm a complicated. You're complicated. We're all complicated. Humans are complicated. Full stop. Period. That is the number one rule we should all remember and follow. Humans are complicated. We can't claim that we know that person fully because we don't. Sometimes, we just really don't know what's going through their mind. I hate it when people say that they understand how we feel. Well, they don't and they have no clue. They're not me and they don't understand the situation. And they won't react the same way I react to a certain situation. Therefore, they don't understand. Yea, even I'm complicated. I mean, I can't say that I have self-esteem because sometimes my self-esteem is super high and sometimes, my self-esteem hits rockbottom. And recently, I hate to admit this but my self-esteem has been pretty low. Well, it's because I'm afraid. I'm really afraid. What if I just fail, fall flat on my face? Will I ever pick ...