Still very confused me.
Well, atleast I narrowed it down. By it, I mean what I plan to study in the future. I like these 3 stuff and I find it very hard to choose among the 3 because I LOVE THEM ALL!! I would like to study : 1. Business. (I love business ever since I was a kid. I like money...hehe.) 2. Psychology. (I love to get into people's head and know why they did what they did) 3. Broadcasting. (I just love to talk and be in the SPOTLIGHT!) So it's very hard for me to choose among the three. Damn, if I can't make a decision, I'm so not going to college. Which do you think I should choose?? What should I study? Business Psychology Broadcasting View Results Create a Blog Poll Please vote~! It will so help me. THANK YOU~~!! *hugs*