
Showing posts from October, 2011


I guess everyone has a fear. And right now, I really fear falling. I'm close to my goal and I can feel it in my hands yet, I also know that I can lose it at any time.  I'm afraid of losing it, I suppose. I would hate to lose it even after so much work. I know the taste of defeat, and trust me, it's not sweet at all. It is one of the most bitter things I have ever tasted. I wonder to myself often, can I work hard continuously and consistently to achieve this goal? This goal will be lost the moment I lose focus....but can I keep that focus on ALL the time? That makes me really afraid. After all, I'm only human and sometimes, I do need a break. Oh sigh.  

Final year exam....

My final year exam is on the first week of November.  It's a little stressful. I mean, I feel like I'm ready but some days, I feel like I'm really not ready. And it doesn't help that time is so limited so....I hardly get any time to study.  Ugh. Sigh. Hopefully I do well though.


It's interesting how memories seem to fade after a while. Why do I say this? Well, I saw my classmate in the train yesterday and we talked about our life, then about high school. It's odd. I mean, it's only been about a year since I left high school and yet, the memories seem to disintegrate. I can't even remember some of my schoolmates name. Then, as we discussed, we realized that our memories about the same event seem to be different. (not too different but the details were.)    And it didn't help that some part of my memories felt fuzzy and you weren't sure if it did happen or it was made up.       I guess, my memories will continue to fade except for the really important ones. I suppose, each of our memories are different even if it is about the same event.  Even so, I also realized that the memories that stay are the memory that affects us the most. The one that we like or is important to us in some way. It's...

Driving licence.

Finally, I got my driving licence. Whew~!  So yea. I'm really glad.  

Random poem

Fingerprints. A green box stood still, dusty and old, The girl opened it, with a silly smile. There were letters, from friends, family members and even strangers, containing well wishes & warmth. She continued to smile as she read, the girl has almost forgotten about all this little treasures, hidden in this little green box. A tear crept up, as she read letters, that reminded her of a beautiful past that will never come again. She wondered if the people who wrote this letters still remembered them, she wondered if they still cared about her. Just like fingerprints from a mirror, the letters showed who has entered her life & left a mark. She smiled as she realised that, even if the moment is gone, the memory remains. The memory will remain forever, in her heart.