Growing up.
This year, I will be turning 21 years old. Legally, it means that I am an adult now. A real adult that the law can prosecute if I did any crime. But turning 21 scares me. I know that it's just a number but it isn't just a number to me. I will be an adult soon. And I guess, I don't want to grow up. I see friends of the same age as me having jobs, graduated or working and studying at the same time. I feel like they are in a whole different universe from me. I feel like I am not there yet and I don't want to be there. Yes, I am currently studying but I do have loads of fun. I read, write and go on the internet alot. I enjoy getting so involve in a story that nothing else matters and reality melts away. I enjoy ranting on the internet about stupid silly things. I enjoy watching the same stupid videos on the internet that I have watched a million times. I enjoy being in my own head. I don't want to grow up. I don't want to have responsibili...