Memory lane.
When my last paper for my degree final exam ended, my friend and I went back to our old college to collect our Alevels certificate. My friend and I never took it in the past. To be honest, I was already having a pretty tough time dealing with the fact the moment my exams end, my student degree life has ended. Because I know that I will miss this life. I will miss my friends. I will miss studying hard. I will miss having a sense camaraderie with my friends. I will miss aiming for the stars for my grades. I will miss doing my best. And it's over. It's sad. Soon, real life will knock on my door. I would think about my career. And going back to my old college where I did my Alevels on the day my degree ends hits me quite hard. To know that this part of my life is over. But at the same time, going back to my old college didn't feel too bad. Staring at the building, only reminds how I used to come here every day. Passing by the canteen, only remin...