It's been a hot two years

Yeah, in a way, I'm finally back. Yeah, I'm sorry for abandoning this blog for 2 two years. It's just a lot happened in the past 3 years. Mainly, it's the pandemic. Boy, that hasn't been fun for me at all. I'm just going to be honest here because I promised myself that I'd be honest here. The truth is, the pandemic was my worst nightmare. I have always been a person who was anxious and my anxiety mainly was triggered by health related things. I was often sick in my younger toddler years. Although I don't particularly remember most of it, I think it stuck to me. I think the effects are clear. So the pandemic was my worst nightmare come true. It's a little insane to have your worst nightmare and worst fear come true. The stories you tell yourself when you were a kid. The fear you had. The biggest exaggeration of it. Most people can ignore theirs and say it won't come true. But mine did. And it's a funny, funny thing. Well, less funny an...