Part time jobs...ain't it fun? (not)
Hmm...I recently got myself a part time job that paid $5 per hour. Yea, I know...that is so damn cheap. But then again, this is a part time job. What do ya expect? Anyways, I worked in a catering company. I never knew that catering was an art. I learnt quite alot of new stuff. I helped served food & stuff like that. I helped cater a birthday party. My job is something like a waitress...(I mean, I have to serve & take orders) For the first time in my life, I realized that jobs like these were so damn boring.(Well, excluding all the customers complains & ruckus) Suddenly, it hit me that people hate their jobs. I really get what they mean. It isn't because of the boss but it is because of the JOB!! I mean, the job was so damn boring that I didn't even last a week in that job. I quit after 5 days!! I mean, I really felt bored... I counted the hours to the end of the day, hoping that time will fly. So...I finally get it. I finally understand why people hate their jobs s...