Part time jobs...ain't it fun? (not)

Hmm...I recently got myself a part time job that paid $5 per hour. Yea, I know...that is so damn cheap. But then again, this is a part time job. What do ya expect?
Anyways, I worked in a catering company. I never knew that catering was an art. I learnt quite alot of new stuff.
I helped served food & stuff like that. I helped cater a birthday party. My job is something like a waitress...(I mean, I have to serve & take orders)
anime waitress Pictures, Images and Photos

For the first time in my life, I realized that jobs like these were so damn boring.(Well, excluding all the customers complains & ruckus) Suddenly, it hit me that people hate their jobs. I really get what they mean. It isn't because of the boss but it is because of the JOB!! I mean, the job was so damn boring that I didn't even last a week in that job. I quit after 5 days!!

anime Pictures, Images and Photos
I mean, I really felt bored... I counted the hours to the end of the day, hoping that time will fly.

So...I finally get it. I finally understand why people hate their jobs so damn much. And guess what, I don't blame them. The world functions in a scary way. For an example, the rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer, the smart gets smarter & the dumb get dumber.
So decide, be rich or poor. IT is your choice. I choose NEVER to work in this kind of dead end jobs ever again unless it is truly needed.

~A special note.~
Thank you for reading my blog.
And my life is currently much better,
All thanks to your nice comments,
I hope that you will have an awesome New Year~


I hated my old job- but at least I didn't make everyone's day worse.
I'm sure you don't do that, too (unless someone really asked for it ;])!
I don't like when people who hate their jobs take it out on the customers and do really horrible in their performance.

I hope you have a wonderful New Year!
Anonymous said…
Well, I don't take it out on people. I politely smile eventhough I am totally bored. Well, I understand how you feel bout your old job. It's good that you don't take it out on people.

To you too, have an awesome new year~!
Happy "Sam" said…

carmen sister,
lucky you got do part time, if not.
You will not know, what is working life .....

working part time also one of your important exprience for you.
So you will know got what kind of peole inside, what is call work, how they can boring whole days ... , stress ...


You said also correct, rich will become rich !!
But now i am poor ... so my life is just poor for whole life ...
I poor so i need learn more from every people, work more, help people more and hardworking !!
I also learning with you now, reading your blog and get some information on your blog.

Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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