Interesting life...

nature Pictures, Images and Photos
I think life is just like this picture. No matter how still the water is, the mist surrounding it, dulls the picture. Even so, this picture is still breath taking.

Life is also like a rainbow. It takes both sunshine & rain to make it.
natural rainbow Pictures, Images and Photos

Well, juz one day ago, life seems awesome. Finally, I thought that I was in control of my own life. I felt like I could conquer the world! And when, I went out and had a merry good time with my friends, that was really fun. It is really nice to see all the other coaches~~! But too bad, I can't go to this month's coach gathering.

That outing cleared my mind, making me feel more energised.

...but today, everything was the complete opposite of yesterday.
Well, today...
I just lost my planner. (My schedule is ALL in it.)
I also lost my to-do-list. (Now, I'm really lost!)
I also lost my part time job. (Damn...Now, I'm jobless and broke)
And I left my bag in class, meaning I can't do any of my homeworks and projects.

Wow, I never knew life could be so mean.
If idiot has a child, I would idiot's child.
I guess have to go to school tomorrow and search for all that stuff.

Juz feeling poetic~~ Dun mind me~~~

When the sun shines,
Flowers bloom wildly,
When the wind blow harshly,
Nothing remains,
Here I stand in the cold,
with nothing left,
Grief overwhelm my weak soul,
I fall into an unknown abyss,
As my weak soul dies,
Something else is borned,
Like a phoenix rising from it's ashes,
An unknown me has been borned,
Like a predator,
I now hunt,
Catching weak preys,
Ignoring their cries,
For the the unknown me,
does not care,
for the weak...

~carmensakura07 April '09~


Happy "Sam" said…
Slowly you will grow up ~~
You will more understand about life, love~~

Keep it up ~~
Hey! Thanx for visiting my blog! :-D

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