I still love cars

I didn't know that I still love cars. When I was 11, I really love cars...well, sportcars. Yup, I'm a car lover. Maybe other girls like shopping, make up and shoes but I like cars, star wars and music. There was even a time when my room was decorated with sportcar posters everywhere.
My favourite sportcar used to be that red ferrari (Damn, I forgot what model that was already.)

Anyway, yesterday, I was reading some automotor magazine when I saw the beautiful Toyota Prius!

The car I end up with Pictures, Images and Photos

Yea, I know it looks like any ordinary car but this car is different. Did you know that this car is one of the most aerodynamic car EVER~? Oh yea...
This car can accelerate from 0kph-100kph in under 11 seconds. That's fast.
This car has lots of space and room. It has only 80 horse power, well, that's not much but hey, this is a family car.

This car has pretty nice features such as a FM/AM CD player with MP3/WMA support with eight speakers. Yes, it has 8 speakers! IT also has bluetooth-enabled handphone connectivity. Man, this car is bluetooth enabled. That's just weird BUT awesome!

Did I mention that this is a hybrid car? This car can also run on electrical battery. And, this car will not be on petrol engine until you're driving on a certain speed. This car also doesn't waste petrol!

Well, I would love to have this car. BUT my dream car currently is a Maserati Quattroporte Sport GT S with 440 horsepower. Oh yea, that car is damn fast...

PS : French Class Update~!
Currently, my french class is getting harder. *sigh* My french is not still not fluent...
I guess, I have to work hard.
Why must french mumble everything with a nose twank? *sigh*

English is still the best. English will prevail and english RULEZ~!


Chelseacyy said…
heheh~~I kinda like the first car but Not very interested in cars though~~ XD
Happy "Sam" said…
Toyota Prius!
I love it also ~

You know why ?
No because of speed,
No because of nice,
No because of big.

Is because is green,
What is green ?
This car is the world first green it his world.

Less produce things or gas hurt our earth.
I hear that soon will coming out malaysia.

I also wish to buy it because of green .
Heal the world.

Hey there! Hopefully you read this even though it's not on your most recent post. I like cars too ;) I like muscle cars. I really want a 1969 Chevelle or a Nova from the 70's. They're sweet :)

And thanks for your comment :) I'm glad you like my wallpaper :-D I liked the guitar on my old wallpaper, but I was getting sick of the pink text on everything ;)

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