What a day...
Last Saturday, I wake up early in the morning to go to my French class. A usual Saturday routine. Somehow, last Saturday, my dad had a course so my mum is the one who is going to send me to my french class. We had a hearty breakfast and we were in for a shock.
As my drove, we suddenly realise that Palace Boulevard was closed. This road is the main road that links to a highway which allows to drive to the suburbs. My family always uses this road and now, it's blocked by the police due to the protesters!!

(Dunno what they were protesting about but thanks to them. There was a terrible traffic jam!!)

I knew I was going to be late. Very late. So I told my mum to use a shortcut. (I thought she knew the shortcut but I was wrong...) My mum turned into some road that she has no idea about. Anyway, when she turns into that road. We were free from the traffic. WOOHOO~!

I was really happy when we were no longer stuck in that jam.
As my mum continue driving, my mum suddenly asked "Where are we?"
"I thought you knew??!!" Because I really had no idea where I was. Nothing looked familiar. Shit, we were lost.
Then somehow or rather, my mum continued driving and we ended up back at Atria Mall.(the place where my french class is at)
Yea, that was weird. One minute we were lost and the next, we have arrived...
I was hour late....and because of that, I will NOT enter my class. I'm the type of person who is never late. I rather be absent than be late. So I am not going into the class. My mum kept telling me to go but I kinda threw a tantrum.
I hardly throw any tantrum normally but I really dunno why I did.
So we went home, I kinda wasted my mom time. I apologize to her so so many time. Thank god, my mum was really kind and she didn't mind. Anyway, when my dad found out I missed my class, he went berserk and he kinda scolded me until I explained. My dad took my explaination quite well. He too is a person who cannot stand being late.

As if my day isn't complicated enough, my computer was infected with a trojan horse. That bloody trojan horse even unabled our anti-virus, forcing us to get a new anti-virus. So we did and it took 1 hour to load it, 2 hours for it to scan our computer and to delete that stupid trojan horse. Well, thank god, it's gone now...
So now, I have to find a way to catch up with my french class stuff and I have to study for my exams next week. *sigh*
That was my day. What a day....
As my drove, we suddenly realise that Palace Boulevard was closed. This road is the main road that links to a highway which allows to drive to the suburbs. My family always uses this road and now, it's blocked by the police due to the protesters!!

(Dunno what they were protesting about but thanks to them. There was a terrible traffic jam!!)

I knew I was going to be late. Very late. So I told my mum to use a shortcut. (I thought she knew the shortcut but I was wrong...) My mum turned into some road that she has no idea about. Anyway, when she turns into that road. We were free from the traffic. WOOHOO~!

I was really happy when we were no longer stuck in that jam.
As my mum continue driving, my mum suddenly asked "Where are we?"
"I thought you knew??!!" Because I really had no idea where I was. Nothing looked familiar. Shit, we were lost.
Then somehow or rather, my mum continued driving and we ended up back at Atria Mall.(the place where my french class is at)
Yea, that was weird. One minute we were lost and the next, we have arrived...
I was hour late....and because of that, I will NOT enter my class. I'm the type of person who is never late. I rather be absent than be late. So I am not going into the class. My mum kept telling me to go but I kinda threw a tantrum.
I hardly throw any tantrum normally but I really dunno why I did.
So we went home, I kinda wasted my mom time. I apologize to her so so many time. Thank god, my mum was really kind and she didn't mind. Anyway, when my dad found out I missed my class, he went berserk and he kinda scolded me until I explained. My dad took my explaination quite well. He too is a person who cannot stand being late.
As if my day isn't complicated enough, my computer was infected with a trojan horse. That bloody trojan horse even unabled our anti-virus, forcing us to get a new anti-virus. So we did and it took 1 hour to load it, 2 hours for it to scan our computer and to delete that stupid trojan horse. Well, thank god, it's gone now...
So now, I have to find a way to catch up with my french class stuff and I have to study for my exams next week. *sigh*
That was my day. What a day....
Go there then don't want go in to class !!
Really waste time and money.
If me.. i cannot ..
Late also go in then sorry to all students and teacher that i disturb become i late.
Late is better that no come.
Got come is better that don't know.
because pay money already !!
Late also need learn.