My Top 3 Priorities

My top 3 priorities from now on are :

1. School Studies
2. French
3. Music

Books Pictures, Images and Photos

School Studies.
Ok, my finals result really sucked badly. And because of that, I have to focus on my studies from now on. Yea, that means I have to really study but do I really have a choice? *sigh*

My french Pictures, Images and Photos

I have to focus on French if I wanna be good. My french grammar is really horrible. *sigh* As if english grammar is not hard enough, now, I have to deal with French grammar. But, I have to admit that French is a pretty cool language once you get to know it.

Yea,my parents are gonna let me learn the violin. So I'm gonna start learning the violin this January. So, I'm pretty happy about that and if I wanna be good, I gotta practice every single day. And this time, I'm gonna play it right.

Updates :~

Well, anything that are not in these priorties will have to be dropped or thought out carefully before making a decision. So yea, I'm dedicating my current life to the 3 priorities.
I know it sounds horrible but it's for the best interest of my own future. Anyhow, I have to dropped alot things. This is hard to say but I'm announcing my retirement for coaching in AKLTG.

I've been coaching a long time and I love it but unfortunately I have to drop it because :

1. Instead of a challenge, AKLTG is becoming more of a comfort zone to me and I think it's time I move on to bigger and better things.
2. I have alot of other things that I have to do that is more important.
3. I learnt alot from AKLTG and it's time for me to apply it for my own life.
4. It's not in my top 3 priorities.

This decision was still hard for me to make because I love coaching. I had a hard time convincing myself but this decision had to be made because it was for the best. Even so, I will forever love coaching. So that means, these 2 camps that I will coach in December will be last. So, I'm gonna do my very BEST so that my retirement will end awesomely~!

So like Oprah, I would say that I love it enough to know that it's time to let it go. So, I'm retiring from coaching. It's just time to say goodbye. I wish all coaches the best and may AKLTG prosper~~!!


Happy "Sam" said…
great ~~
DO the top 3 priorities things first.

School studies exam not good ...
You already try your best.
but don't take this you already try your best as a reasons.

This years exam not good not means next years will same !!
You can do it !!

French is really cool language because my company school got many internation teacher.
They teach french too to small kids.

Great !!
Music !! violin.
WIsh you can success but don't give out.
Just worry you ... some people very fast give up because of somethings ... but i belief you !!
You can do it !!

Wait your good result !!
Wait your speak great french !!
Wait your nice music !!
Sweet. My mom took violin lessons for a few years. I tried, but the onld crummy violin I was using broke :(
Suzanne Lim said…
Music lesson?? B4 is languge lesson now music??? Gud 4 u girl!! I always wana learn violin...gud luck to u then :)

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