Decisions, decisions, decisions...
I have alot of hard decisions to make currently. It's really not easy.
PROBLEM 1 : I want to join AFS( a student exchange programme) but I don't think I can. WHY? Well, it's because let's say I get chosen, it will interupt with my french diploma thing and my college.
I want to apply for 2 programmes. One is going to Japan for 2 weeks in December and the other is going to USA for half a year in 2011. And unfortunately, if I manage to get to go, it will interupt with my plan.
Well, if I didn't had any plans, I would love to join an exchange programme but unfortunately, I have a plan now. And that plan is I continue learning diploma intensive french for the next 2 years while I take my A'levels in college...after that, I can straight go to France without any major issue or any time wasted.
So I'm still not sure what to decide...because I want to do both but I know that's not possible!
PROBLEM 2 : Ok, this is not really a problem. But I'm not sure if I should go to this year's anime convention at the end of the year and should I cosplay? (I know cosplaying is a waste of money & a little dumb..but hey, I only get to be seventeen once in my life so why not do something stupid...or fun?)
Should I cosplay as Hibari Kyoya?

Should I cosplay as Collonello Arcabaleno version? (the small chibi version)

Should I cosplay as Reborn Arcabaleno version?

Should I cosplay as Edward Elric?

Or last but not least Ciel Phantonhive?

OMG, notice that all the characters I want to cosplay are guys?! *sigh* Hehe, well cosplay will only be one time thing then, after'll be time for college & stuff. (Atleast, do something fun when u r young~!)
But the main guys I wanna cosplay are Hibari, Collonello and Reborn. (hehe..all frum KHR)
I need to decide...*sigh* Help me by taking this poll?
PROBLEM 1 : I want to join AFS( a student exchange programme) but I don't think I can. WHY? Well, it's because let's say I get chosen, it will interupt with my french diploma thing and my college.
I want to apply for 2 programmes. One is going to Japan for 2 weeks in December and the other is going to USA for half a year in 2011. And unfortunately, if I manage to get to go, it will interupt with my plan.
Well, if I didn't had any plans, I would love to join an exchange programme but unfortunately, I have a plan now. And that plan is I continue learning diploma intensive french for the next 2 years while I take my A'levels in college...after that, I can straight go to France without any major issue or any time wasted.
So I'm still not sure what to decide...because I want to do both but I know that's not possible!
PROBLEM 2 : Ok, this is not really a problem. But I'm not sure if I should go to this year's anime convention at the end of the year and should I cosplay? (I know cosplaying is a waste of money & a little dumb..but hey, I only get to be seventeen once in my life so why not do something stupid...or fun?)
Should I cosplay as Hibari Kyoya?
Should I cosplay as Collonello Arcabaleno version? (the small chibi version)
Should I cosplay as Reborn Arcabaleno version?
Should I cosplay as Edward Elric?
Or last but not least Ciel Phantonhive?
OMG, notice that all the characters I want to cosplay are guys?! *sigh* Hehe, well cosplay will only be one time thing then, after'll be time for college & stuff. (Atleast, do something fun when u r young~!)
But the main guys I wanna cosplay are Hibari, Collonello and Reborn. (hehe..all frum KHR)
I need to decide...*sigh* Help me by taking this poll?
For my idea.
You should choose this this ~~
I recomand this ~~
See my below blog.
This girl girl name "nami"
Why ?
First reason is because she is girl.
Her dress lated you cosplay then you can use for shopping go and anywhere also can wear ya ~~
Second reasons is because this character a bit same like you ~
"Nami" love money ... why ?
Not because she want to be rich.
Because she want to protech her garden, her love one that take care her !!!
I really love it ~
If can see you can cosplay her ya ~~
The Second things is ,I vote is stick with you college and french plan.
Why ?
May be go other place exchange programme is good but .. for my point of view ...
Target set already then need to go and take action !!
Sometime got good or bad things happen and may you forget your plan ~~
This time is a good things for you !!
Then you just forget your plan .....
Means that got frist time .. then will got second time .....
May be all is lucky or good things for you ~~ you may think is waste ......
But if bad things happen that disturb you plan ... then you give up .... means also same with you get a lucky or good things come .. then you give up .....
So the result for you is fail .........
This is my point of view ya ~
You may take as refence ya ~~
Oh well, I vote for Collonello~~^^ Because he needs more love & you can portray him well! XXXD
As for the plans, I vote for AFS~! Same reason as Rushi~^^
Good luck!