Drama, drama, drama...

High School has loads of drama.. Never ending drama. Heck, life's dramatic.

" All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they
have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts,
his acts being seven ages. "
-William Shakespeare-

1. Newspaper drama.

My school had a collecting newspaper competition and laid a $100 as the grand prize. MY class, 5 Opal wanted the money so immediately, we got newspapers to compete.
Soon, we were WINNING and we were all happy.

I guess that the the first class, 5 Agate didn't like that. So they started piling up newspaper.

MY class thought we were gonna lose and we were sad...BUT we continued to pile newspapers to win.
However, my assistant monitress, S, realise that 5 Agate was cheating. GASP. Yea, they kinda were. They were double and triple entrying the amount of newspapers they had. But because we had no proof. We shut up.

THEN, *insert drumrolls* they were caught cheating. 5 Agate stole 1 Jasmine's 100 kg worth of newspapers. Can you believe it???
The best class cheating! Wow...
Well, not everyone in 5 Agate is a cheater because I have good friends in that class BUT the ones that cheated really ruined the class reputation. Like they say, one bad apple ruins the whole bunch.

Anyhow, they were eliminated. BUT 5 Agate currently claims that my class, 5 Opal framed them up. However, it is not us who reported the theft. It was the students of 1 Jasmine that reported it. MY class simply used it as an opportunity to eliminate competition. (yes, cruel, cruel us.)

Whatever. My class won and we're happy! Anyway, now you know that even newspapers create drama...

Birthday card


Soap peach rose

I bought my mum a soap rose for $4. It's kinda pretty and it smells good. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAREST MUM!!

3. There goes my summer holidays.

My friends and I entered the magazine NIE competition. We MUST WIN!!!! And to win, we must be the best!
And so, we must start doing the research and making our magazine. We must start gathering our materials and start on the magazine. We need to make a winning magazine that will make people go WOW!!

"I don't meet competition. I crush them"
-Charles Revson-

Win Or Lose Pictures, Images and Photos

And oh, we have projects to do during the summer. School stupid projects. But we have to do it if we don't want to fail.

*sigh* Competition and projects. There goes my lovely summer holidays.

4. My phone is AWESOME

My old model Nokia N95 is kinda awesome. I recently downloaded Flickr and youtube on my phone. So now, I can take pics and upload it straight to flickr. Not only that, I can also watch youtube on my phone now.

Well, soon, I'm gonna download VOX on my phone.

AND I'm so happy that I have a flickr account. Always wanted one but I only created one recently.

PS : I edited the birthday card there wit my phone. Another awesome fact of my phone!

5. What happens now?

Ok, I don't know if I should approach her. I don't know how I feel about her yet so I'm just gonna sit and wait. Let everything unfolds on it own.


Happy "Sam" said…
Wa !!
Happy mother days also in MAY !!
Happy teacher days also in MAY !!
Happy Family days also in MAY !!

Your mother also birthday in MAY !!
Wa !!
100% very happy lo !!!!!

You can do it !!!
I suport you !!!
Win win !!!
You summer holiday present !!!

wow !!
Nice phone lo ....
So great !!
I using nokie 1200 only !!
hehe !!
Can use touch light de !!!
Rushi said…
Carmen things no just unfold by itself. You have to u noe poke it or prod etc. If you wait it will be stagnant

Hey there! Thanx for entering my giveaway! I took a class years ago and learned how to make those purses. Heh. It's actually not that hard if you have a good sewing machine that doesn't skip stitches. However, mine skips every chance it gets. :P LOL! Good luck in the drawing!
carmensakura07 said…
@ Rushi, I know. But rite now, I wanna see how everything unfolds. Sometimes, sitting down & puttin yourself out of the pic is the best thing

@ Luffy Sam, Thanks~~!!

@ guitargirl Thanks!! I wanna win tat purse!!

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