Random post

This is a random post. I juz have to write this out.

Today, my class had a class outing to take pics for memories since it's our last year.

It was a bad day for a moment. WHY?
1. French teacher scolded me today.
2. My precious phone fell down.
3. My pocketwatch chain broke & my precious pocketwatch fell.

But then later, we went to this mall where only the upper class can afford to shop in.

I like that place. I like the feeling it gives me. I like imagining my future self shopping there.
Yes, I wanna be rich.

I always thought myself as a person who is on the way to wealth. And so, I must prepare myself to live in luxury & wealth.

Plus, what is money without indulgence? I'm not asking you to spend your life fortune BUT you should reward yourself at times because you deserve people.

Being rich is a good thing. WHY?
1. You can afford anything.
2. You can do charity to help people.
3. You can help create job opportunities.

Be. Do. Have.
Think like a billionaire.
Behave like a billionaire.
Become the billionaire.

So if you diss rich people, can you ever be rich.
For me, I'm not jealous of them because I know that one day, I'll be like of them.

So wish me luck on my journey to wealth.
But then, if I don't achieve it, I'll be fine because I'll be happy with whatever I have but I'll do my BEST to achieve it!

Yea, what a long random post. Haha, I juz have loads to say.
Overall, I feel very inspired & motivated!


Happy "Sam" said…
Don't be sad ya ....
Sometime our journey got problem de ...
Like bad luck ...
That only call life !!

Up Up , down down if not ... like a straight line .. you will feel boring de !!

Happy to hear that you also want to become rich ya !!

Being rich is a good thing. WHY?
1. You can afford anything.
2. You can do charity to help people.
3. You can help create job opportunities.

For me !!
Become rich good things. WHy ?
1. I can take care myself and in this world less one more problem people already !!!
2. I can teach them become rich because If i keep give money to them .. they just because lazy ... like teaching them catch fish is better that give them fish eat !!
3. I can take care my parents then reduce old folks house ya !! I also surpise ya !! Why so many children also take care 2 parents !!
But parents can 2 people can take 3 to 4 children de ???

Why ya !!
haha !!!

Let rich together ya !!

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