Growing up, closure and an interview.

growing up quotes Pictures, Images and Photos

I guess it's time I grow up. When high school is over, I have to grow up, be a mature and a responsible little young lady.
There's alot of things I have to learn.

To be honest, I'm a little afraid of leaving graduating from high school.
I mean, I've been going to school for years. And the thought that it will finally end is a relief but also a little frightening.

But it's a new chapter in life. Everyone goes through it. So yea, I'm afraid but excited at the same time. There's so much to do after the graduating. College, driver licence & etc...

I guess I'll miss high school a little. Never thought it would end...but yea, it will soon enough.

Before I left high school, I need some closure. I mean, I made some friends & lost some friends. I do have some regrets. I was such an idiot and arrogant ass last time.
So yea, before high school end, I need to send some letters to the few people I hurt.

growing up quote Pictures, Images and Photos

But I guess, that's high school. You make a hell lot of mistakes, go through stupid dramas and have fun. All I can do now, is learn from all the mistakes I made and not repeat it.

Anyway, life is short so HAVE FUN & GO CRAZY!!

Oh crap, I almost forgot. I have an interview this Sunday for a scholarship to go to a college.
Hmm...I wonder if I will get it.

My grades aren't great during the mid-terms but I guess, I'll have to charm them with my unique personality.

Wish me luck~~!


Happy "Sam" said…
You are growing up !!
Good good !!

A cute girl growing up to pretty girl !!
haha !!

You can do it !!
Every people also got mistake !!
Learn on it !!
GO Go go !!
masido said…
hey! i feel you!growing up sucks! but i might as well enjoy the rough ride right?

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