Think before you point your fingers at others.

Where you are in life is the result of all the decisions you have made. Good ones and bad ones.
And if your life is crap, who's fault do you think it is?

If your relationship or friendship is breaking down? If your grades really suck?
Is it other people's fault? But before you point and say, the teacher suck or your friend is a real stupid asshole, you should think.

Did you try hard enough? Let me just say, sometimes, you might think that you're right but you're actually wrong. Or that sometimes, you think you're being nice but actually you're not.

And if you been a bitch a long time, what do you expect but to be treated as a bitch?

If something been reoccurring in your life again and again such as bad grades or bad relationships, there's a lesson in there for you to learn.

And learn from it fast because life will not be nice when it tried to teach you gently but you wouldn't listen or learn. Then the next thing you know, you have a crappy life. Then, whose fault is it? Yours or the universe?

I'm just saying that for one in your life, stop blaming and saying that the other person is wrong. Just try to see how you could have acted differently. Saying that you've been wronged, does not help you.

Try to change. After all, nothing is constant in life except change!

IF you want to remain the same, it's your choice. But I don't believe in that. I believe in change. Sometimes change is good and sometimes it's bad but most of the time, it's neccessary.

As for myself, I'm a work in progress. I'm changing but it's not easy. Nonetheless, I'm working on it.

So anyway, before you blame or point your fingers at others, think first.

"The day you think you're perfect is the very day you are NOT because perfection does not exist!"


Happy "Sam" said…
Correct !
nice ya !!!

before you blame or point your fingers at others, think first

I love it !!
thank for sharing !!

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