
Sigh. Icon Pictures, Images and Photos

I just quit my own business. Well, I had this business with a friend of mine who is my partner. But after a month, I quit!
Harry Potter I Quit Pictures, Images and Photos

At first, things seem to be going fine. Then, it didn't. My partner was freaking bipolar! She just kept yelling at me and scolding me. Whatever I did was just not good enough for her. In her eyes, I was just doing it ALL WRONG! And it doesn't help that she doesn't want to talk to me properly without being bipolar.
im sorry Pictures, Images and Photos

What made me quit was when she rejected some of my very visionary business ideas. She was just such a worry wart. She wanted to do things old fashion and by the books. Well, I'm not a old fashion or by the books kind of person. I get ideas. Crazy out of this world ideas. I am just a girl with ideas Pictures, Images and Photos

And I knew if she didn't like this ONE idea, she'll hate it all. She thinks that this idea is radical when it's just a normal idea. If she thinks this normal ideal is radical, then what would she think of my other really CRAZY ideas?

So I quit. It wasn't gonna work out with her.

Of course, I said sorry and told her that it wasn't gonna work out.

sorry Pictures, Images and Photos

But was I really sorry?

sorry. Pictures, Images and Photos
Why? Well, she was bipolar. She didn't apologize when scolding me for no real reasons.

quote Pictures, Images and Photos

And eventhough losing a business is not really a good thing, I'm feeling positive about this.
It's better this way anyway, that's what I believe right now.

everything will be okay in the end. if its not okay, its not the end quote Pictures, Images and Photos


Happy "Sam" said…
Take care yourself good good ya.
Love yourself = love your parents.

You can do it ya.

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