My Chemical Romance
This is not gonna be some fangirl love rant. It's just something I want to say about MCR.
People look at MCR and judge them. Then, they look at me & ask me why I love them or their music.
People think that their music are very negative, dark and emo.
True, their music isn't exactly the happiest thing but you know what, their music saved my life and many more MCR fans lives too.
I don't know but when I listen to their music, it's like their songs & their voices lift the pain away. It's like they are singing the pain away for me.
And their lyrics explain exactly how I feel sometimes.
I hate it when people say that MCR, green day or any awesome band play pathetic, sad music.
Because they don't.
You know what, instead, MCR made me feel that everything will be ok and when I meet other MCR fans (be it online or offline), it made me feel that I'm not alone.
Instead of feeling worse & worse, MCR taught me that it's ok to be sad sometimes. MCR taught me to be myself not matter what happens and if the world don't like it, fuck the world.
MCR wrote lyrics that touched my heart and expressed exactly how I felt.
MCR inspired me. They wrote & played beautiful music.
They saved my life.
There were times when I wanted to die last time but then, when I listen to MCR, I felt slightly better.
Bit by bit, I got better.
And now, I no longer feel that way anymore.
And MCR also tries to help out their fans and they love us as much as we love them.
Just like me, they were all once in depth of despair. That's why they wrote those music. It was to let out how they felt.
And now, when they're happy, I'm happy for them too!!
MCR members are the living proof of that no matter what shit happens, things will eventually get better but it takes time.
And now, as their music changes, I still support & love them. In fact, I think that change is good. I like their old & new songs.
I get if other people don't like the same type of music as I do. But dissing them just to piss me off is just wrong.
And no matte what people say, I'll forever love MCR. I am a proud killjoy member of the MCRmy!!
To me, MCR will forever be awesome. It's hard to hate them when you're indebted to them.
I'm sure many other MCR fans understand what I mean. I'm sure that I'm not the only soul that their music saved.
Anyway, that's all I have to say.
And oh, I LOVE MCR!!!
Good good !!!
I love MCR !!
hehe !!
-ZoMBiE KitteH