Since my final year exam is over, my stress level has really been reduced. I'm so much more relaxed now.
Anyhow, I feel bored. So currently, I'm having my reading mood on~! I would love to read so many books that I haven't read yet but always wanted to read.
So here's a list :
-The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series by Stieg Larsson
-Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
-Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld
-All of Madeline Wickham books.
-The remains of the day by Kazuo Ichiguro

If you have any good books, please recommend me. Yea, I know I am pathetic for not having read Hunger Games or Stieg Larsson. But that's because I have school and not enough time to read such awesome books. sigh.
I found out that my college library has Stieg Larsson's and Kazuo Ichiguro books, so I'm just gonna borrow them...but I think, I'll have to buy the rest. Sigh.....
But since, I have none of these books, I started rereading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. I know I read it about a million times but I don't care. I love it!
I like rereading books that have been reread a thousand times. The book feels like a good old friend and rereading it is like revisiting that good old friend. Plus, I can also remember all the past memories and feelings I had when I was rereading this book. So yea, it's always nice to reread a book that has been reread a million times~!
Anyhow, I also joined this NaNoWriMo thing online. It's a challenge - to write a novel (which has 50000 words) in a month (30 days). I only joined on Monday, so yea, I lost 7 days....but whatever. Btw, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month.
I decided to finish off the story that I have been writing which is "World's Apart". So yea. Finally, I might actually finish a novel......
Since my holiday start in two weeks, this is a great activity to do~!! hehe.
So yea, it's a literary festival to me. Reading and writing~!

Anyhow, I feel bored. So currently, I'm having my reading mood on~! I would love to read so many books that I haven't read yet but always wanted to read.
So here's a list :
-The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series by Stieg Larsson
-Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
-Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld
-All of Madeline Wickham books.
-The remains of the day by Kazuo Ichiguro
If you have any good books, please recommend me. Yea, I know I am pathetic for not having read Hunger Games or Stieg Larsson. But that's because I have school and not enough time to read such awesome books. sigh.
I found out that my college library has Stieg Larsson's and Kazuo Ichiguro books, so I'm just gonna borrow them...but I think, I'll have to buy the rest. Sigh.....
But since, I have none of these books, I started rereading Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. I know I read it about a million times but I don't care. I love it!
I like rereading books that have been reread a thousand times. The book feels like a good old friend and rereading it is like revisiting that good old friend. Plus, I can also remember all the past memories and feelings I had when I was rereading this book. So yea, it's always nice to reread a book that has been reread a million times~!
Anyhow, I also joined this NaNoWriMo thing online. It's a challenge - to write a novel (which has 50000 words) in a month (30 days). I only joined on Monday, so yea, I lost 7 days....but whatever. Btw, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month.
I decided to finish off the story that I have been writing which is "World's Apart". So yea. Finally, I might actually finish a novel......
Since my holiday start in two weeks, this is a great activity to do~!! hehe.
So yea, it's a literary festival to me. Reading and writing~!
Cheers to all you, writers and readers out there~~!!
Great ~
Read more book,
can learn and relax too !!
I love to read short story.
Example :
A lovely evening,
Poor litte Mama cook a nice foods to his son.
His son happy and excited !!
She want to share with her mama but her mama don't want.
She said "She don't like to eat"
Poor little Mama go inside kicthen eat biscute.
His children know already then she tell her mama !!
Remember don't eat my lovely biscute ya !!
*Story to share out.
Mama is the best in the world.
Everytime also think for their children.
But when got good things !
We got share to mama ma ??
hehe ~
THis is most of the story book i see.
Thank, appriencte and sharing.
After frinish the foods.
Her mother
I recommend Poison study by Maria V Snyder. I have her trilogy on pdf if you want it.
And also My sister's Keeper by Jodi Piccult.
Thinking of you always =))