My life has been taken writing.

Currently, I am doing the nanowrimo thing. And omg, it has taken over my life. Right now, all I can think about is my writing. I'm obsessed.

Thank god, the holidays have started...or else. I seriously wonder how I will manage school. It's hard to pay attention in class when your mind is somewhere else.

Thankfully, the examination is over so the paces of the class were moving very slowly. Even the lecturers were in a holiday mood. No one really wanted to learn or to lecture. Everyone wanted a holiday.

I, too, was in holiday mood or rather writing mood. Just this week alone, I skipped about 6 classes (Accounting, General Paper and Economics) so that I can rush home and start typing away my story.

I am just not in the mood for studying. Even if I went to class, I will simply dare dream about my novel, ignoring everything and everyone.

My word count currently is about 29000. Well, at least, I passed the half way mark. To be honest, I'm not sure if I can finish 50000 words by November 30th. But then again, I'm not going to give up.

I really love and hate nanowrimo. 

I love it because it forces me to write down my novel. (I know it's not a full fledged novel yet but I'm going to call it a novel anyway.)

I never felt so intense about my story and I actually feel sort of like an author. I also love it because it makes me realize how much I actually do love writing. 
True, my story may be crap right now or it may not be a publish novel any time soon but that doesn't really matter to me right now.
The fact that I love writing and the journey of writing a novel is remarkable.

You have good moments where words are flowing out and you have bad moments where your mind seem to blank and nothing you write seem to fit. 
The most fun thing about writing is watching the character and plot grow. It's so interesting. Sometimes, it really feels like they are alive through me and I am nothing but a vessel for them to express themselves in writing. And the odd thing is, I created them.

But I hate nanowrimo because it has taken over my life. It's the first thing I think of when I wake up and it's constantly on my mind.

Another thing is inspiration. I hate how my inspiration come at the oddest moment. When I'm going to college by train, suddenly, BAM, a great idea comes. Of course, I note it down but I like my ideas flowing out when I'm writing. But when I'm in front of my computer, wanting to type something out, my inspiration hides. Sigh.

Since my holiday started and it's for a month and a half. I wonder if I should get a job or stay at home? If I stay home, then, I will definitely be writing, reading, watching TV and surfing the internet all day long. I'll probably also study a little though.
And if I feel nice, I might go volunteer at a soup kitchen or something.

If I go get a job, at least, I will be earning money. 


Chelseacyy said…
Just one word. Gambatte
Happy "Sam" said…
me too !!
You can do it !!
God bless you !!

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