A rant.

The weather is getting pretty hot so I decided to cut my hair.

And it turned out quite horrible. 


Right now, my hair is so short that I need to use a clip to clip up the fringe or else I'll look like some weird creature.

From a cool bob punk hair style cut :

My hair was something like this.

To a cute-ish short hair style cut.

My hair has to be clipped at the side now.
I know you're probably thinking, cute hair cut? What is wrong with that?

Well, me being "cute" isn't what I want. I want to look rock-ish and cool!

And since I wear a basic tee and jeans to college everyday, a cute haircut just doesn't go well.

Plus, me looking cute is kinda weird. I mean, it doesn't fit my personality.

I have hardly ever been the cute one. I'm more likely the one with a bad temper or the sarcastic one.

So yea.


So not in my vocabulary and personality.

Now, I have to wait a while before my hair grows backs......



Happy "Sam" said…
Nevermine ya,
At least know what is the real effect ~
hehe !~

Very fast grow long de ~~
Patient ~~
hehe ~~
Rachael Lum said…
I'm trying to imagine you with the haircut. Well, at least you can let it grow and have it the way you want it to be. You'll get there soon enough. :)

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