Anger management, much?
Recently, on the radio, I heard some good public broadcast that tells people to not litter, smoke and etc.
Anyhow, I heard one advising people not to get angry by holding their breath and counting to ten or thinking about cute things such as puppies.
Listening to that really pissed me off.
If anger was so easy to control or get rid off, wouldn't people get rid or control it by now? Well, obviously, it's not so easy.
And do you really think that in the moment of rage, a person is going to hold his breath or think of puppies? So yea. I'm not saying it's impossible but I'm saying that it's hard.
And do you really think that an angry person likes that they get angry easily? Don't you think they want to change to? If it were that simple, don't you think that the anger would be gone?
So I find this advice pointless, stupid and demeaning.
True, some people can control their anger better...but not all. And this applies to me.
I snap more than I like to admit and I'm not proud of it.
Being a person with a bad temper sucks.
Have you watched durarara? If you have, I'll say that being angry is like being Shizuo Heiwajima.

If you haven't, I'll still explain why angers sucks.
Anyhow, Shizuo Heiwajima is the epitome of every bad tempered person, only that it is really exaggerated.
He hates violence A LOT but he uses it the most. I mean, every time, he gets angry, he will get violent.
He does not enjoy it, one bit because well, he hurts himself (his bones break every time, he lifts a vending machine in anger) and he hurts everything around him including innocent people, the environment and loved ones.
It's the same with angry people. When you get angry, you hurt the people around you as well as yourself.
So yea. It's not fun being angry.
But then again, being angry in the moment makes you feel powerful. The anger feeds your ego, giving you an illusion of power and strength.
But as soon as that moment pass, you regret everything you do.
Just like Shizuo Heiwajima said,
I kinda agree with what he said. Sometimes, we, bad tempered people are worried that we will hurt others and ourselves so we distance ourselves. So yea.
I'm not saying that you can't control anger. I'm just saying that it's not as simple as it is and you never really know how hard that person has been trying to control it.
Can you imagine the feeling of frustration, anger and sadness to know that you can't even control your own emotion?
So, all I am saying is that, angry people sometimes don't want to be angry but that's just the way they are reacting.
But I'm not saying that people should stop controlling their anger and let it be. I'm just saying, before you judge, think twice.
And to every hot tempered person out there, keep on doing your best on controlling your anger~! Never give up~!
Anyhow, I heard one advising people not to get angry by holding their breath and counting to ten or thinking about cute things such as puppies.
Listening to that really pissed me off.
If anger was so easy to control or get rid off, wouldn't people get rid or control it by now? Well, obviously, it's not so easy.
And do you really think that in the moment of rage, a person is going to hold his breath or think of puppies? So yea. I'm not saying it's impossible but I'm saying that it's hard.
And do you really think that an angry person likes that they get angry easily? Don't you think they want to change to? If it were that simple, don't you think that the anger would be gone?
So I find this advice pointless, stupid and demeaning.
True, some people can control their anger better...but not all. And this applies to me.
I snap more than I like to admit and I'm not proud of it.
Being a person with a bad temper sucks.
Have you watched durarara? If you have, I'll say that being angry is like being Shizuo Heiwajima.
If you haven't, I'll still explain why angers sucks.
Anyhow, Shizuo Heiwajima is the epitome of every bad tempered person, only that it is really exaggerated.
He hates violence A LOT but he uses it the most. I mean, every time, he gets angry, he will get violent.
He does not enjoy it, one bit because well, he hurts himself (his bones break every time, he lifts a vending machine in anger) and he hurts everything around him including innocent people, the environment and loved ones.
It's the same with angry people. When you get angry, you hurt the people around you as well as yourself.
So yea. It's not fun being angry.
But then again, being angry in the moment makes you feel powerful. The anger feeds your ego, giving you an illusion of power and strength.
But as soon as that moment pass, you regret everything you do.
Just like Shizuo Heiwajima said,
"I am the biggest coward. I distance people away because I don't want to hurt them."
I kinda agree with what he said. Sometimes, we, bad tempered people are worried that we will hurt others and ourselves so we distance ourselves. So yea.
I'm not saying that you can't control anger. I'm just saying that it's not as simple as it is and you never really know how hard that person has been trying to control it.
Can you imagine the feeling of frustration, anger and sadness to know that you can't even control your own emotion?
So, all I am saying is that, angry people sometimes don't want to be angry but that's just the way they are reacting.
But I'm not saying that people should stop controlling their anger and let it be. I'm just saying, before you judge, think twice.
And to every hot tempered person out there, keep on doing your best on controlling your anger~! Never give up~!
me too !!
but i slowly improve it ~
patient and cold down !!
Angry easy get old !!
Angry easy hurt other ~
Let together learn it !~
Patient ~
hehe !!
wel, suntimes i hide myslf aim 2 away from ppl so tat i wun accidentially hurt them....