Result time.
Exams are over. The moment every student is relieved. But unfortunately, something smacks them in the face. It's call the exam results.
Ugh. The dreaded moment that a student hates.
Some might actually look forward to it because they want to see how well they have done. As for the rest of us, we don't want to see it because we know it sucks. It's just a question of how bad.
So today, I got back my result for my economics paper. It wasn't really good nor was it really bad.
But personally, I think it's definitely below my expectation.
I'm looking at my paper, expecting disappointment to hit me but it didn't come. I wasn't disappointed. Instead, I was motivated and excited which is good.
So instead of wasting time, moping and crying over spilled milk, I am searching for the mistakes that I made. I'm analyzing what went wrong in this paper and thinking on how I can avoid that in the future.
I'm just moving on and thinking on how I can be better instead of concentrating on how I sucked.
I like that. I like how I'm unfazed by the not so great result.
But it's true.
The past does not equal the future. Just because you suck now, doesn't mean you'll suck in the future. The thing about life is, you make your own choices. You can change any circumstances you are in.
Failure or lack of success is just a learning experience. So learn from it.
Life will kick you in the ass most of time and you just need to learn how to get up from it. So yea.
Right now, I'm looking at my upcoming May AS examinations and I'm saying, "COME AT ME, BRO!"
So yea.
To any students out there, "May the odds be ever in your favor~!" Or to put it simply, "Good luck & stay strong~!"
Ugh. The dreaded moment that a student hates.
Some might actually look forward to it because they want to see how well they have done. As for the rest of us, we don't want to see it because we know it sucks. It's just a question of how bad.
So today, I got back my result for my economics paper. It wasn't really good nor was it really bad.
But personally, I think it's definitely below my expectation.
I'm looking at my paper, expecting disappointment to hit me but it didn't come. I wasn't disappointed. Instead, I was motivated and excited which is good.
So instead of wasting time, moping and crying over spilled milk, I am searching for the mistakes that I made. I'm analyzing what went wrong in this paper and thinking on how I can avoid that in the future.
I'm just moving on and thinking on how I can be better instead of concentrating on how I sucked.
I like that. I like how I'm unfazed by the not so great result.
But it's true.
The past does not equal the future. Just because you suck now, doesn't mean you'll suck in the future. The thing about life is, you make your own choices. You can change any circumstances you are in.
Failure or lack of success is just a learning experience. So learn from it.
Life will kick you in the ass most of time and you just need to learn how to get up from it. So yea.
Right now, I'm looking at my upcoming May AS examinations and I'm saying, "COME AT ME, BRO!"
So yea.
To any students out there, "May the odds be ever in your favor~!" Or to put it simply, "Good luck & stay strong~!"
I love take exam result because it let me know ... where i good and wrong.
Then i can improve it and learn from mistake !~
When i get A !!!
I will more hardwork to mainteance it !~
Yeah !~~
After a hardwork and get A result !
I feel that very happy !~~
So you also must add oil !!
+u+U !!
May the odds ever be in your favour.
PS;// I watched Hunger Games movie and I think it didn't satisfy me much.