the song "you"

Translation :
What are you doing now, at what place?
Are you at a place where this sky continues into?
I lost that which has buried my heart until now
And noticed it for the first time
The fact that you had been supporting me this much
The fact that you had been giving me smiles this much
The price of having lost it is way too preposterously great
And I desperately reach out my hands and struggle to recover it, but-
It slips by just like the wind; it looks like I’ll reach it but I don’t
My chest is tightened by loneliness and despair
And my heart seems to break
But your smile that remains in my memories
Always encourages me
Let’s return to that time again
I’m sure that we’ll be all right this time
I’ll always laugh by your side
Right by your side¡­
What are you doing now, at what place?
Are you at a place where this sky continues into?
Will you be there with a smile like always?
Now I simply keep wishing for that
What are you doing now, at what place?
Are you at a place where this sky continues into?

It's just so ironic. You were the one who introduced me this song and we used to sing it together. And now, when this song is played, I think of you. The lyrics in this song just express how I feel about you very well now. I feel this way exactly.
It's sad that I lose you as a friend and I wish so much that I could turn time back. I wish I could start again and make sure that I didn't do it. But thing is, I can't. As much as I regret what I have done, I can't go back to the past. And since, you obviously have erased me from your mind, I have no other choice but just to wish you well. So yea, I hope you are well. And no matter what happens, you have a friend in me.

But thanks to you, I now know what mistakes not to make in regards to friendship. You also taught me a beautiful lesson on friendship and life. I thank you for a friend and as teacher.
If we could meet again, I just hope you'll be able to forgive me by then.

As much as I want to think about our past together, I can't because if I do, I will miss out in the present. I don't want anymore regrets. Anyway, as what people say, when a door closes, a window opens.
Eventhough, I lost a friend that I didn't want to lose, I have gained friends that I never thought I would.

I have been lucky to have gained such great friends. (yes, Epsteria, Wynne & Emma~!) 
So enough with moping about you, I have to move on. I'm just so lucky to have found Epsteria, Wynne & Emma. We just click so well. So yea. They have showed me what friendship is about and I really appreciate it.
Thanks so much, you guys~! Muacks.


Anyhow, to all my friends out there, thanks for being my friend and putting up with my crap. If I ever offend or hurt you, I'm sorry. I'm sorry to anyone that I have hurt.

Anyway, this is just a post about me, telling myself to move on already. hehe. It's not that this doesn't matter, it's just that what is in the past, is in the past and we all have to move on sometime. We can't keep carrying this sadness forever. So yea.


Happy "Sam" said…
hehe ~

You are the best ~
We all receive your bless and thank ~!!~

you can do it !~!
gogogogogo !!~
JenLee said…
Im so so proud of u carms.:) believe it or not, im also having a hard time like u had too for the pass few weeks,and its because of the slight same problem.Lossing a dear Friend. i know how hard isst to move on,and I am so proud that u did.Like how u say, dun stay in the pass, there is alot for u to go thru in the cheer up and stay strong ;)

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