Well, with a month left on the clock to my exams. It's getting a little stressful. But the crappy thing about me is that the more stressed I get, the more I have to destress which is not really good. Because I really do need to focus on my studies. I don't know why but lately, I started to go online shopping. I bought some stuff online. But that's alright because I do need those stuff. When you are busy and can't really go out to buy stuff, online shopping is a life saver. Honestly, I have never been a shopping person. I never found comfort in retail therapy unlike some girls. To be honest, I have found shopping really annoying. Mostly because I can't afford it and I can't find stuff that I like. Somehow, recently, I started looking at smartwatches. (I think I really like gadgets. hahaha) I wanted something that would tell the time, tell me my steps, the calories I burned and give me notifications from my phone. At first I looked at Fitbi...
Patient and slowly find.
I shopping with my dear.
She also take whole days also cannot choose a clother but i patient wait.
Today cannot .. tomorrow..
I belief can find it ~
hehe !!