When the sudden realization hit.

I usually tell people to dream, to hope and to move on.

But I, myself, never truly understood it.

For once in my life, I really dreamt and hoped.

I always dreamed and hoped but I never ever thought it was possible. It felt like a daydream. Something sweet and nice but never reality.
But now, this dream could be a reality.

This excites me.

So now, I'm going to dream some more and work harder.

And even if the dream is not to be, at least, I won't regret it. Worse come to worse, I just have to come up with other dreams and try to make that come true.

I also realize that sometimes, it's not the external factors that stop us (even though, that pretty much blocks our way), it's the internal factors such as our paralyzing fear that stops us.

I doubted myself a lot. I am my own limit in that sense. I guess, I just have to try to get rid of that limit.

Wish me luck though.

I hope everyone can also continue to hope and dream for real, not just as a sweet lovely daydream.


Happy "Sam" said…
Dare to dream !!
Because no dream = nothings will happen !!

May be people laugh !!
But got dream = can be get it !!

Yahoo !!
Let go for it !!

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