Paths and decisions.
Imagine that, you had to choose which path you want to take to reach a destination. So, you thought hard while trying to listen to your heart and seeking out advises. Finally, you came to a conclusion and thus, you chose a path. You are proud of your decision because it's the path you wanted. You start walking. After quite a long while, fear creeps in and doubts comes. The path ahead seems dark and tiring. You start to wonder if you made a wrong decision. Did you choose the wrong path? Right now, everything just feels so wrong. You are scared. What if this path wasn't for you? What if it's too hard? But you made this decision, why change it? And suddenly you realize, you don't even really know what you want anymore. You are wondering if you should run back to the beginning and then, decide from the very beginning. Choose a whole new path, an easier path. But if you do that, you waste time and perhaps money. You feel...