More on writing.

I was going to get mad at myself for putting my novel that is unfinished on hold.

But then, I realized that, just this year alone, I have wrote a lot more than I did last year or the year before that.

And that is good.

For the first time, I have a finished work which is a short story. Yay! I actually finished something and that feels good. It makes me feel like a bonafide writer.
Other than that, I have an ongoing projects such as my naruto hashimada fanfiction. I know fanfiction shouldn't quite count but it does because it forces me to write and to have deadlines. So, it's a good thing. It's pushing me and stretching me further as a writer. I really like that.

 And, I have new stories but they do originate from me combining two completed (idea wise) stories together. Yup, this is just me being lazy, trying to shorten my to write list.

But the crazy thing is, by combining two different stories together, I come to have something that is much more solid, crazy and fun. It's so special. It's like it works even better than the originals. Of course, from time to time, I do miss the originals because the originals had special traits in them that could not be passed on into this new merged one.

But this new merged one would have all the best qualities from both stories and it looks absolutely beautiful. So merging two stories together wasn't a bad idea, after all.

And as a writer, I am more than just me. I am a storyteller, responsible to becoming the voice of my characters.

By writing, I can see the world in many different paradigms and I can feel many different emotions that I may usually not feel.

Through writing, I am able to understand, to convey messages and to express how I feel.

I also gain wisdom through writing.

Writing is a bridge. A bridge to my past and my future. It helps me understand my past, express my emotions and to learn from it. As for my future, writing allows me to make prophecies.

And it's crazy. I used to think that I was blind. That I never knew or understood something. 
Then, I look back at my writings.
That is when I realized that I have always knew and understood.

But I suppose I chose not to believe. Or that, I was not conscious of the fact that I knew.

And so, writing has been good to me.

And I plan to be good to it.



Happy walker said…
just can wish you all the very best in writing~ =D
Happy "Sam" said…
hehe !!
Plan to be good !!
great !!

Remember healthy first ya !!
Care care ~~
Chelseacyy said…
I'm waiting to read your novel. Me likey your writing. Looking forward to it always


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