This is life

well, things have been hectic. The classes are longer and more challenging. And the exercises given feel like a mental Olympic challenge. Each day, after class feels mentally taxing.

So no. Things aren't easy. It's hard and hectic. And I do feel overwhelmed.

But at the same time, there is a little pleasure that comes with it. I have always loved being busy and productive. It makes me rather happy. So as hard and hectic as things are, I am also enjoying myself.

I thought A-levels was tough. And wow, degree is much harder. It is non-stop work.

Well, I am trying to balance everything out as I want to play and study at the same time. That's my goal. And it's not gonna be easy but I am going to try and do my best.

I miss my buddies in A-levels very much though. Here, I am not quite close to anyone. Instead, I am on good terms with everyone and I hang out with whoever happens to sit with that day. I am cool with everyone. But I miss the deep connection kind of friendship.
I am not complaining though. Everyone here is pretty cool.

Anyhow, right now, life is pretty interesting. So yea. I am good.


I had a constant group dy. An Indian gal and Chinese girl. We're not too close but we're good. We help each other to reserved place and I'm happen that we reach a compromise to sit as front as possible. That's allow me to have group members to form group. I do miss the strong bonding friendship, but i can understand and enjoy what I'm having now.

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