I just finished my first novel which is World's Apart. FINALLY.

After years and years of creating it and finally, writing it down.

I feel so proud and happy. But at the same time, I feel sad because I miss it already.

NaNoWriMo really helped to push me so that I could finish it. So right now, I am thankful for the existence of NaNoWriMo. Without NaNoWriMo, I would have never even started writing my novel. So yea.

But I am really glad that I could finish it. Atleast, in this lifetime, I managed to write a novel. So if I die, there is one thing I can be proud of and be glad about.

Even if my story sucks, I will forever be proud of this story. 

My characters and plot are beautiful and wonderful.
So, if it sucks, it's my fault for not being a better writer and for not having a better imagination.

Like they say, a carpenter never blame his tools. So, if my story sucks, it isn't the story's fault but it's mine.

But even then, I would be proud.

Writing this has been interesting.

At first, it felt easy and I was getting into the groove. Then, writer's block came or rather I started hating everything I wrote. Every word, every scene and every chapter felt wrong and out of place.
But at the end, the inspiration came and saved everything. I end up falling deeper in love with my own story and crying over the sad scenes that I wrote.

So, writing is beautiful, painful, brilliant and frustrating all at the same time.

But this has been a good year for writing because, I actually have two completed works now.

First, it's a short story called Aletheia. (the link is here.)

So damn proud.


Happy "Sam" said…
Well done !!
I also feel so proud and happy for you !!

Not easy to do that !!!
You can do it !!

Now a small things done !!
A big things for you is not a problem !!

Yeah !!

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