Writing in November when I should be studying.

I know that I should have studied during November instead of writing. But I had to do it. I had to write in November.
I had to dedicate the month of November to my story, plot and characters.


Well, day after day, month after month, I am busy with school or my social life or something. You just put everything else first, telling yourself that writing can wait. Writing can be done later because you are busy now. But the thing is, time passes, and you are still busy. Busy with school and life. So busy that I have no time for writing.

And someone who loves writing, that pisses me off. The writer part in me gets mad and dies a little. I keep putting writing off.

So, in November, for once, I want my story to come first. I wanted writing to come first. A month just to dedicate everything to it.
To let the writing part in me to come out and express itself.
To let my characters and plots grow.
To just write.
Everything else can wait.

So, I have no regrets.

Yes, I might screw up next week exam but you know what, I am alright with that.
There is always a next exam.

But for stories, it doesn't work that way.
So yea.

Anyhow, I really am trying to balance my life so that there is writing, social life and school.
It's not easy but I'm trying.

This is my life and I want to live it.
So yea.


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