Roaring Twenties?
Well, I find twenties a difficult age. I know I only recently 21 and it's still very early on in my twenties but still I find it difficult. It feels like puberty all over again, oddly enough.
When I turned 20, things didn't seem so bad. It wasn't great but it wasn't bad either. It was alright.
But turning 21 was slightly more crappy.
21, it means that you are legally an adult.
Well, I don't feel like an adult.
I don't feel like I know what I am doing.
I don't feel like I am even in control of my life.
And that just makes me so mad.
I feel like the least I should do at this age, is to know have control over my own life.
To feel like I am the master of my destiny.
But I don't feel like that.
I feel like I am stuck in an ugly rut.
So I just need time to myself to try to figure myself out.
Because right now, it's pretty interesting.
One minute, I feel alright.
And the next, I feel like crap.
It also doesn't help that the everyone else my age seems to have their life together.
It's like everyone is happy.
Except me.
It feels like everyone is growing up while I'm still stuck in my little rut.
It feels like everyone is moving forward while I'm left behind.
So yea.
The most important is I do myself,
no hurt any people,
help people and give the best to the world !!
Don't worry !!
Don't worry !!
Everyday is a happy days !!
You are up to another stage !!
Lated from adult single to adult relationship then ... then ..
hehe !!
We must walk forward to our journey and learn the mistake from done before.
You can do it !!