
I know that they aren't called polaroids anymore. But that's what I call them. So yea.

Anyhow, a few days ago, I was celebrating my friend's birthday with some other friends.

And we had a polaroid camera.

They took several pictures.

In the end, they had a whole bunch of pictures and we ended up, splitting it, taking whichever we want.

So that means, I get to keep one picture.

Personally, I wouldn't understand why would anyone want a polaroid picture in this day and age when you have camera phones. I mean, it's so easy with a camera phone and you can upload it real quick on the internet. Plus, you can share with your friends so in the end, everyone gets a copy. And you don't have to pay for film.

But now that I have a copy, I stare at it every once in a while.

When we were taking the pictures, the polaroid camera had a really bright flash that blinded everyone.
But this bright flash created a really nice effect to the pictures. It was really nostalgic looking and very vintage like.

The pictures had this faded colour thing going on so it looks like it's really nice.

And to be honest, I really like this effect.

Not only that, polaroid camera's print the picture instantly and it is a real copy. So you have one real picture in your hands, immediately. It feels like magic in a way. hehehe.

Anyhow, I have a weakness for vintage stuff or things that look like they are full of memories.

So I am wondering if I should get a polaroid camera and begin taking polaroid pictures.

But the only thing stopping me is the cost of the camera and the cost of the film.

Yea, as awesome as polaroids are, it has its' downfall which is the fact that you have to pay for film. sighs.

But at least, it's old school. hehehehehe. 


Happy walker said…
haha, i duno about this~
Happy "Sam" said…
Yeah !!
You are correct !!

Just the only thing the cost of the film.

The camera cost is just pay once !!
hehe !!

Enjoy go out ~~
Take care ~

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