Naruto Manga

Naruto manga just ended. After 15 years of running and it's only appropriate to give it some respect.

I am one of the newer fans so I didn't read it for 15 years. I have only been reading this for 5 years but still, I must admit that it has been one hell of a ride.

I am not going to lie and say Naruto is my childhood because it really isn't. 
Even though it has been popular for a long time and it's the childhood thing to many people my age, I never really got into Naruto until really late.

I never really got into Naruto because I assumed that it was this typical boring shonen thing where people fight and power up endlessly without any real plot.

But one day, I watched an abridged series of Naruto and it was hilarious.
Even though I haven't watch the original series, I really love the abridged. 
Every single time I was sad or stressed, I would rewatch the abridged series again and again. 
By now, I have probably watched that abridged series at least 20 times.

But I thought to myself that I should try out the original series. So one day, it was on TV and I watched it. 

I was so surprised to find myself really enjoying. Of course, at that time, I thought the abridged was funnier. It is only natural that the abridged was funnier, it is a parody after all.

As time passes on, I began to like the series more and more. 
My assumptions of Naruto were so wrong.
Yes, they fought a lot and talked a lot.
But it has plot and characters.
It has philosophies. 
And I really love that.

It's really difficult to get me to read the manga.
But slowly, eventually, after years of watching the anime, I started reading the manga.

And honestly, I don't regret it.
Because Naruto is one series where I must say the manga is much better than the anime.

Naruto truly is a good series.
But like all good things, it must come to an end.

So here's a toast to Naruto.
Thank you for everything.

PS, I don't know why some people seem so upset with the ending because I am completely alright with it. If anything, I enjoy it.

PSS, so proud of Naruto for being hokage. I love that he seemed so much more mature.

PSSS, Did you freaking see Sasuke? He grew up to be such a hot dude. I mean, yes, he was good looking from the beginning and in 699, he looked so much like Itachi but in 700, he was just hot.

PSSSS, Gaara, your old hairstyle called back and said that you should ditch the new one because it really sucks.


Happy "Sam" said…
Naruto is one of the famous and nice anime story.
But I no see before.
haha !!

I see one piece anime.
Keep waiting when can end ya :P
hehe !!
Every week wait to see the it.
Comic one piece also see.
Movie also see.

Every story also got start and end like our life.
We must enjoy ~~

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