Ipad Mini
Anyway, I recently bought an Ipad Mini. But my Ipad is not like the one above. It's not silver. It's space gray. Well, it's as close as black as I can get and personally, I love black. So yea. Quite a few people come up to me and asked me why I would buy an Ipad Mini first generation when the third generation is out. According to some people, I should have atleast bought the second generation. Well, let me just say something here. I did alot of research before I bought that Ipad Mini. Trust me. I know what I am doing. Buying this Ipad Mini made me realize exactly what sort of consumer that I am. And I am proud that I consume this way. I am the type of consumer who will search up your features, prices and etc. I will do my best to find out about the device and what features do what. And I will try to match my needs and wants to the exact device that will serve that purpose. I wanted to buy the Ipad Mini for university. It was so that I didn't have...