Ipad Mini

Anyway, I recently bought an Ipad Mini. 

But my Ipad is not like the one above. It's not silver. It's space gray. Well, it's as close as black as I can get and personally, I love black. So yea.

Quite a few people come up to me and asked me why I would buy an Ipad Mini first generation when the third generation is out. According to some people, I should have atleast bought the second generation.

Well, let me just say something here.

I did alot of research before I bought that Ipad Mini.
Trust me.
I know what I am doing.

Buying this Ipad Mini made me realize exactly what sort of consumer that I am.
And I am proud that I consume this way.

I am the type of consumer who will search up your features, prices and etc.
I will do my best to find out about the device and what features do what.
And I will try to match my needs and wants to the exact device that will serve that purpose.

I wanted to buy the Ipad Mini for university.
It was so that I didn't have to print so many tutorials, past years and etc.
And I can view it all comfortably from the Ipad Mini.
It would be mobile and convenient.

So I needed an Ipad Mini that fitted that need and want.

The Ipad Mini 2 and 3 are basically the same as Ipad Mini 1 except that the Ipad Mini 2 has a retina screen, hence, needing the A7 chip processor while the Ipad Mini 3 has a retina screen and touch ID.
I don't need the retina screen or touch ID.
Retina screen just means a clearer screen.

I need a screen that works.
I am not gonna watch HD movies on the thing. Just do homework and tutorials and maybe read alot.
So yea.
A clearer screen may not be too good for my eyes too because I am a visual.
And that means, too much clarity and HD-ness gives me sensory overload. That's why certain movies in the cinema gives me a headache because there's just so much information for my brain to crunch.

I love clarity but when every single detail is well done. I end up going through every detail, trying to appreciate everything as quick as possible and that's just not possible when every single detail is well done.
Appreciation takes time.
Surprisingly, I am actually quite a detailed person when it comes to movies.
I say quite because there are people out there who are extremely detailed. LIKE EXTREMELY.

So yea.

When I chose to purchase that device, I knew exactly what I was doing.
I did my research and sat down, thinking about whether I should buy this for a whole week.
My buying buffer time is a week. If I still want it after a week, then, I will buy it because it really means I want it.

Let me tell you something, when I chose to buy it, I felt extremely excited.

And now that I have it in my hands, it feels like a dream come true. I am ecstatic. 

Is this consumerism? Yes, it is.
But you know what, it's alright. As long as I am happy, it's good.

Anyhow, this whole ordeal revealed exactly what sort of consumer I am.

I am the type that will do all of my research, think hard and weigh the advantages and disadvantages before buying.

And once I buy it, I will try out all the features atleast once just so that I know what it can do.
I would also watch video tutorials on how to use or what are the features of the device.

I feel extremely happy when I am maximizing the usage of the things I buy. 

Very economist like? Well, I guess it only shows that I truly meant to be an economist. And no, my course did not make me this way.
I have always been this way.


Happy "Sam" said…
Yeah !!

Good word !!
try to match my needs and wants to the exact device that will serve that purpose.

Yeah !!
Same same !!
The price is cheaper too !!

hehe !!

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