Life and infinite possibilities.

Recently, I have felt extremely happy and excited to be alive. 

Anyhow, recently, I was wondering if I should buy an Ipad Mini for university purposes. I thought hard and long about it. 

Well, in the end, I decided to get one.

But as I was thinking if I should get one, my thoughts went to so many places that it was really interesting.

It was in that moment that I realized that life had infinite possibilities. Anything can happen. So much things can happen that it is brilliant.
Problem is, we have time and money constraints.

That makes me a little sad. 
However, that shouldn't stop us from knowing that life itself is brilliant with infinite possibilities and this fact makes me really excited for life itself.

I am a greedy person though. If it's possible, I want them all. However, in life, that's not quite possible. So choices have to be made.

When you know so much infinite possibilities exists, sometimes, that makes it hard to decide. 
The reason that it is hard is because when you decide, you feel like you are limiting yourself.

But decisions have to be made.
And so, in the end, I did make one.


Unknown said…
Think it another way, that constraints are the motivation to keep you going in order to get what you really want. No pain no gain, and the fruit tastes so much better with all the blood and sweats.
Happy "Sam" said…
Yeah !!
Yes !!
Awesome !!

Anything can happen.
So much things can happen that it is brilliant.

Everytime also got somethings blocking us !!
Face it !!
Solve it !!
Find it !!

I am coming !!
hehe !!

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