The hidden stress?

We all know that stress is part of our daily life. Without stress, we wouldn't do much or have the motivation to do much.
But we also know that too much stress is bad.

I wouldn't say that I have great stress management but I would like to say that I manage it better with each year.

However, sadly, I have to admit that I'm an emotional person and that my emotions does badly affect my body and my health. 

I suppose that the stress have been getting to me. 
But I think there are different type of stress.

One, there is the stress that you can handle because you are aware of its existence. That means, you can hear the groaning and maybe even screaming in your head. Stress management for that isn't hard. All I need to do is breathe and probably just tell myself to stop groaning or screaming and just get the work done.

But the stress that I hate is the stress that I am not aware of.
Like, I don't hear groaning or screaming in my head. There's pretty much nothing. Silence.
But there's a huge laziness and demotivation to do anything.
And the worse is, I can feel my body burning up.

It's like those unconscious type of stress where you can't feel its existence and the reason for that is that it is deeply rooted inside you, hidden somewhere. It's like a crack underneath a surface.
I find that there is no stress management for this because telling myself to relax is silly because I do feel relaxed. If anything, I feel too relaxed.

And the only reason I can tell that I have this stress is because my body is acting up horribly. I feel aches in places that shouldn't have aches. I feel tired. My skin is dry or my hair is falling out easily.

The reason why I know this is stress is because this happens every time before I have a huge exam that's important to me.

I know it'll go away but it annoys me sometimes that my body acts up so easily. Anyway, I should be taking care of my health now.

To anyone who's stressed out there, all I can say is, try to relax. I know it's a silly and futile advice but really, the only way to release stress is to relax. 
Or you can try just focusing on what you do and worrying less about it. Maybe your stress will go away because you are working at it.

I know this has been a rant but I needed to do this.


Happy "Sam" said…
Thank you !!
Remember take care too !!


Relax !!

Let me give you a word "DE" !!

Stress !!
Reverse it !!
Take the word that i give you !!
That is !!

"DE"sserts !!!
Yummy !!
Sweet !!

Enjoy ~~
hehe !!

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