My course and my career.

Anyway, there was a talk on Monday about careers. The overall point of that talk was that we needed to figure out what we wanted to do in respect to our careers and once we do that, we need to equip ourselves with the right skills and tools.

So the question is right now is, what do we want to do in respect to our careers?

Honestly, I am quite uncertain what I want to do for my career.

I just know that I want to be in top management. Or even better, a CEO.

But of course, how do I get there?

I know that I am willing to work my ass off to achieve what I want to achieve.
So I know I am fine.

I know some people might think that I am taking a very idealistic optimistic approach but I like this approach so I will use this one.
What if things don't go as I want them? It's okay. I am winging this as I go so I am totally cool with the results.

But the thing is, I have to think and decide on what sort of career I want. To make it more detailed so that I get an advantage.
Problem is, I don't really know.

The reason why I chose Economics is because it's more general. Is that a bad thing? No, it means that I cannot choose directly because I want to learn it all. Yes, I am a little greedy that way.

I love Economics. I love Finance. I love it all.
I can't choose.
Not right now anyway.

I know I am greedy in that sense. I have always been a person who wants it all.
I know that I can't get all most of the times.
But I will try.
I will only choose when I know that I definitely can't have it all and I have no choice but to choose.

Anyway, I just want to put it out there that Economics course is not a stupid course or an easy one either (not the one I'm taking anyway).
Yes, it may be general.
But Economics is like philosophy.
It's the mother of the modern monetary world. 
So it may seem general but you get a better understanding of the whole picture and how the entire system works.

I am just a little sick and tired of people saying that Economics is stupid or useless or too general or easy.
Because it's not.

And personally, I love Economics. I did not take it because I just wanted a degree or because it was "easy".

So yea. 


Happy "Sam" said…
Economics !!
Great !

Support you !!
You can do it !!
All the best.

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