
I am not sure if I'll ever regret this post. But I guess I'll post it anyway. Be warned though. It might get really lovey dovey because this is a post about love. And it might be long too. haha.

I fell in love and I am in a relationship right now.

It's funny actually how it all happened. It was a little insane. And the funny thing is, this was all completely unexpected. I did not see it coming at all. It just swept from under my feet and the next thing I know is that I am already tumbling into fate's plan.

When I first met him, all I know is that I didn't know how important he would be. People always say that you would know immediately when you meet significant other.Did I know? Yes and no, I guess. People talk about that electric zing that they had. But for me, it was not something like that at all.

If anything, it was a little odd. Even when I first met him, I felt comfortable. Very comfortable. It was as if I found home. A home that I didn't know existed. I remembered how we talked like absolutely close friends the first time we met. It was not awkward or anything. People who saw us that time would really assume that we were good old friends. I was surprised at how easy it was.

Because I have met many new people before and I have never felt that way. It's usually awkward at first and then, you slowly get used to them. That was how it always worked. But not this time. 

But honestly, I understand now why love songs are so annoyingly sweet. Because that is really how it feels. 

I never understood why girls often got clingy or jealous but for the first time I do. I used to say that I would never be that sort of girlfriend but haha, famous last words. But if you are in a healthy relationship, you wouldn't feel too clingy or jealous. The only reason you are able to feel not too clingy or jealous is because you know he is only looking at you and that's all that matters.

I'm glad that it's him. I'm glad that he's the one that has my heart because he's the sweetest, kindest and nicest person ever. I really like how thoughtful and observant he is.

But honestly, for the longest time, I thought being in love was someone was not quite possible for me. Because for the longest time, I just didn't think that anyone could love me because I was so different. I am so dynamic and crazy. I was beginning to accept that as a fact and this changes everything.

Anyway, what I want to say is, love doesn't hurt. Love is kind and it's gentle. So if it ever hurts, know one thing, get out. Because it's not suppose to hurt.

For me and him, I feel like we are in sync and on the same wavelength. It's scary really because I can be thinking something and then, he would say it and that was exactly what I was thinking.

However, we are both very aware that this could all end. But for now, we would just enjoy the right.

Oh, another thing I want to say is, love someone who makes you feel like the world. When you look into their eyes and you can see their sincerity. Love someone who only sees you and nothing else. And love them back like nothing else matters. Because when you love someone, it's not that their flaws disappear. You see it but it doesn't matter because it's them you care about.

Hopefully I can inspire and motivate him like he has to me. And that's all I wish for.


Happy "Sam" said…
Wa !!
Last post i just said relationship !!
The new post got relationship !!

Great !!
Happy for you too !!
But i got somethings to share with you.
I will share with my friends and sister.
They want to listen is depend on them.

Remember !!
Love is no correct or wrong !!
Choose already don't regret !!!
Love is not sex !!
Don't simple give sex to him !!
Love is about forever walk to old jorney !!
Important is the heart !!

Enjoy your new challager !!

Hehe,I never feel like what you feel now.maybe because I'm a very analytical and rational person, and I do know that what I encountered before wasn't that kind of love. Thus I kind of let him go.

I guess I'm not so desperate to look for one now.I'm really happy for you.And knowing things may all change in the future is good.

Love is adventurous and very sweet when we're young.

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