New experiences.

So many things in my life right now are new experiences.

And with so many new experiences, you only learn more about yourself.

It's never really about what happens externally but what happens internally.

Because what will happen will happen.

But what you do about it though is a different story.

Funny thing is, I'm learning more about myself each day. 

Some days feels like a struggle. 
Other days don't feel too bad.

But there is ups and downs.

Like I will be honest, my internship has been hard on me. Personally, there are moments where I prefer to be dead than to be it.
So I will admit that I am entertaining the thoughts of quitting.
Whether or not I will quit for real, that is a different story.

I know many will call me a crybaby for being a whiny piece of shit.
Maybe I am.
Maybe I am not.
I do not know.
But do not judge me.

My feelings are valid and that is what matters.

But I been in a bad mood lately. 
So things haven't been great.
However, I am so lucky. 
Whenever I have hard moments, people are there for me. 
So I am exceptionally grateful for that.

But then again, there are little moments in life that also makes everything so worth it. So I am alive and grateful for that.


Happy "Sam" said…
haha !!
Then enjoy it !!
New experiences means you are growing !

You can do it !!

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