Back to school.

Well, summer is over.

And it's time to start University again.

Now, this is my third and final year. Honestly, my goal is to graduate by this academic year.

How did I do in my year 2? 
Well, it was better than my year 1 but it still fell slightly short from my intended goal.

So this only means one thing, I am going all out on year 3. It's the final leg of the race and I have this one last shot. So I am just going to do my best and see where it takes me.
I'm just going to work harder and smarter. I'll see where that takes me.

I am getting all sort of bittersweet emotion with the start of my year 3.

1) This is my final year as an undergraduate student.
This life that I have enjoyed as an undergraduate so far will come to an end soon. Then, I'll have to start focusing on real life such as jobs and careers.

2) Career.
Everyone in my year is currently making plans. Some are considering post graduate studies and others are considering qualifications such as ACCA and CFA.
I find this hard because I am still unsure with what I want to do in my future and what career I want.

I find this a hard decision to make. Because I want so much from my future. I want it to be bright. And so, I am afraid to make a wrong decision. I know that there is no such thing as the wrong decision. I get it. But still, I can't help but wonder why I want out of life? 

Once again, everything is uncertain. Once again, there will be an end and a new beginning shall arise. 
But that's life, isn't it?

Anyhow, my school is about to start soon so I going to do my best and have fun all at the same time!!


Happy "Sam" said…
Start school again !!
I am start work again !!
hehe !!
Every every 2 days rest !!

Yes !!
You can do it !!
Don't wrong !!
Making decision is hard !!
But choose already and don't regret !!
Don't turn back !!
Everything also got good and bad !!

Challenger is waiting you !!
We come here for enjoy challenger !!
hehe !!

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