A lot in my head.

I have alot of thoughts.
It has always been like that.
My mind is like an explosions of thoughts.

But over the years, I have learnt to zoom in on one thought and focus on that.
So, sometimes, it feels like I only have one thought. But I actually, that's untrue, because the moment I stop zooming in, I see the other thoughts just exploding next to each other.

Anyhow, lately, I have alot of thoughts in my head.
Decisions to make.
Emotions to be felt.
And studies to be taken care of.

So I'm just feeling slightly overwhelmed. Please just allow me to sort them out here bit by bit. Thus, this will be a long post and I'm sorry.

1. Dental

I just came back from the dentists on my wisdom teeth.
Why did they ever call it wisdom teeth? Anyway, they aren't wise. And they give me a headache.
But that's not the point.
I consulted the dentist about braces. Should I get it?
It's been years now and every once in a while, I would think about getting braces.

Teeth has always been a sensitive topic with me.
I have crooked teeth. That's a fact. I am okay with that now.
But years ago, oh god, how I actually hated them.
Because they were crooked and yellow. 
Have people laughed at me for that?
Oh yes, they have.

And I did wanted to get braces.
The only thing stopping me is the pain factor.
I am very pain adverse. 
And the thought of wires and it pulling my teeth felt completely scary.

One of the reasons why I hated taking pictures is because I dislike my teeth.
But over the years, I have learnt to accept that these are my teeth.
And I am slowly dealing with taking pictures and daring to smile. I am still figuring out whether to smile without showing my teeth or give a hearty toothy grin. Still haven't figured that out yet. haha.

But over all, I am okay with my teeth now. 
I am no longer self conscious about them.
Yea, they are crooked. And maybe yellow.
But it's me.
It's so me.
Big, bright and bold. 
Always making a statement.

But recently, I thought of braces because I thought having straight teeth would give medical benefit such as easier cleaning and flossing. 
According to the dentist, that's the only medical benefit. Braces is mainly a vanity thing which is interesting.

So now, I am really thinking if I should get braces done. Because according to my dentist, if I want to get it done, it is now or never. This is the last window of opportunity.

Thus, I am thinking hard. Do I want to create a good impression by having straight teeth? Or am I completely okay with my current teeth? Is the medical benefit of getting braces enough to justify it?

So I am seeking out your advice. What do you think? Please vote on this poll.

Should I get braces

Please Specify:

Poll Maker

I just need some input to help me think further.

2. Being bigger and better.

Recently, something irked me again.
In the past, this would have pissed me off to no end.
I would have been very mad.

I'm not saying that I'm not mad.
Well, I am.
A little.
I can still feel my blood boiling.

But at the same time, I am just going to let it go. I am going to let it pass.
Because, enough.
Enough is enough.
I'm tired of allowing the same button or thing to piss me off over and over again.
So no.
I'm not going to get mad and hold on to it.
I'm just going to feel it and then let it go.

And I am proud of myself for this.
For being better and bigger.
To transcend my past self.
This really feels like my year. I'm really loving 2015.

3. Final year of University (hopefully)

It's the final year. And I realized that I like being nostalgic despite it not ending yet.
Anyway, so I have been feeling nostalgic.
And I been trying to savor every moment.

Then, I realize that I still have some nice clothes in my wardrobe that I have never worn.
I was wondering if I should wear them to college.

The reason why I have not worn them because I guess, I have gotten too comfortable with my current casual style.
And wearing things other than that, feels a little weird.
Especially when I have to walk home and the weather here is constantly either hot or rainy.

But I was also thinking, it's my final year. Might as well, fancy up and have a great final year!

However, I must try to get over the weird mindset of wearing other things than casual.

What do you think?

Should I wear those unworn nice clothes in my wardrobe to college?

Please Specify:
Poll Maker

Anyway, this has gotten to be a rather long post so I'm going to stop here. But thanks for sticking around and reading the whole thing. 


Happy "Sam" said…
Thank you !!
hehe !
No problem !!
I can do it !!
Thank again ~~

I choose "Other" because depend on yourself.
Because no cheap !!
Expensive !!
Beside that,
If you not enough confidence on yourself then go do it.
The most important is healthy then ok already.
My wife her teeth not nice!!
Up down but that not a problem for me also.
hehe !!
Don't tell my wife :)

2. Being bigger and better.
Yeah !!
Great !!
Must feel happy and enjoy for every years !!

3. Final year of University (hopefully)
I choose "Other" because depend on yourself.
I can share with you !!
nice clothes very nice but don't wear then keep for what ??
Must take out and wear !!
Shopping !!
Go anywhere that you feel want to wear it !!
But if really not suitable for the situation !!
Then don't wear it !!

Example: like you need to walk a far distance to school to study.
Don't tell me that you wear high heel to walk !!

Ok ya !!
Enjoy !
I working ya ~

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