Graduating soon?

If all goes well this final exam, I would be graduating.

My classmates and I are beginning to be aware of the fact that we will be graduating very soon. We are all happy and yet scared.

Happy because we are a little tired of studying. It's alot of hard work and we want to just finish.

Scared because we don't know what we want in terms of our career yet and the economy is not doing so hot right now.

I'm really trying hard to stay positive right now.

A classmate recommended me to apply for overseas internships in the big firms so I tried applying in some. Let me just say, it's hard work. Each application took me hours because I had to write essays.

Applying for a job feels harder than an application to a university. Because I can write one essay for a university and reuse it for multiple universities. But for jobs, each company may ask for different things, hence, I have to start thinking of writing each essay customized to each company.

One company actually required me to write three essays. Like wow. Okay. That took up most of my time and I was really tired. But I have to continue to apply to more places. So yea.

Wish me luck~~~!


I'm nt applying to anything y et.u have a really good's good.
Happy "Sam" said…
Yes !!
No need scare ~
A lot of happy and challenger are coming !!
When we small,
We start to walk also facing a lot problem !!
Now !!
We can jump, run and more ~

Wow !!
I interview also no write essays !
Now a days not same already !!
hehe !!

Don't worry !
Nothing can stop you ~
We can do it ~

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