Things I miss in High School.

High school wasn't exactly a time of joy for me. It was rough and it was not easy for me.
But despite all that, I wouldn't say that I completely hated everything about it. I hated alot of things but not everything.

And funny thing is, when you look back, I had to admit, it was youth. I was young and I was silly. It was a crazy time.

But now as I am graduating from undergraduate studies, I realise that there is a small part of me that wants to go back to that carefree youthful days for a short moment. But, I know that's kinda impossible. So much has changed. 

What I have now is not bad.
If anything, it's crazy good.

But there's something about innocence, stupidity, recklessly and anger that is enticing sometimes.
And it makes me miss it. A little bit. Not alot. 

So here are some things I miss about high school.

I miss the long mindless conversations about nothing.

I miss the long chats on the internet in forums and chat rooms.

I miss the giggling over silly stupid girly things.

I miss the mindlessness of it all.

I miss talking on the phone for hours despite spending all day in school with them.

I miss consulting silly problems with my friends and giggling about them. 

I miss these because maybe I lost the high school friends I could do this with or that they grew up and now we only talk about serious things. 


Happy "Sam" said…
hehe !!
Yes !!
I also miss a lot !!
But time is not waiting us !!
The most important when we do anythings.
We cannot U turn already.

Let enjoy our journey life.

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