Body positive.

One good thing I really like about exercising so far is feeling very body positive. To be honest, for me, feeling body positive is a nice thing. Maybe because in my past, which was during my high school period, I didn't have much body positive feelings. I always believed that the body is a temple and we should care for it. And honestly, exercising and eating healthy does that. But it's only recently that I made exercise part of a regime so I am only feeling the effects now. I actually feel really good about my body. I feel healthy and I feel great. I love that. Back in high school, people didn't say nice things about my body. They said terrible things about my hair, my teeth, my lips and so many things. Even though what they say actually shouldn't matter, but their words slowly drip into my mind, staining it completely. Hence they contributed to the negative feelings I have of my body. So there was a moment in my life where I really didn't like wha...