Body positive.

One good thing I really like about exercising so far is feeling very body positive. 

To be honest, for me, feeling body positive is a nice thing. Maybe because in my past, which was during my high school period, I didn't have much body positive feelings.

I always believed that the body is a temple and we should care for it.
And honestly, exercising and eating healthy does that.

But it's only recently that I made exercise part of a regime so I am only feeling the effects now.

I actually feel really good about my body. I feel healthy and I feel great. I love that.

Back in high school, people didn't say nice things about my body. They said terrible things about my hair, my teeth, my lips and so many things.

Even though what they say actually shouldn't matter, but their words slowly drip into my mind, staining it completely. Hence they contributed to the negative feelings I have of my body.

So there was a moment in my life where I really didn't like what I see in the mirror. Because of that, I avoided mirrors, taking pictures and so many things.

I tried not to laugh or smile too hard so that people won't see my horrendous teeth. 
I tried to do other stuff too so that people don't see what it is that I hate about my body.
But in the end, it failed. 
Because there is only so long that you can try to laugh less or smile less. And eventually I stopped doing that.

But the negative feelings I have for my body never quite went away.

I know people do not understand how I could possible have body negative feelings. I wasn't ugly nor am I fat.

And yet, I didn't want to be in pictures or wear certain clothes.

But I did have body negative feelings. Like a ghost, it haunted me, telling me what I cannot wear and how horrible I look in all of them.

Let me be honest here, I have a great sense of fashion. I know that. Why? Because everything I like is tasteful, classy and expensive. So yea.

But I never managed to fully dress to reflect my great sense of fashion. All of a sudden, on myself, I just couldn't wear the clothes my fashion sense demand. But for people, I can help them choose their clothes.

I been trying hard to counter my body negative feelings for a long time. It started with cosplay and little pushes to other clothes that are out of my comfort zone. 

And slowly, my body negative feelings have turned to body neutral feelings. Personally, I felt that it was great progress. 

With exercise now, I feel absolutely have turned from body neutral feelings to body positive feelings.

And honestly, it feels so great. I really wished I had felt this way from the start instead of having body negative feelings. But no matter. 

What matters is, I feel great now.

Anyway, the moral of this is that, good things can happen eventually. It just takes alot of time and effort. 

So be patient.

This is also a reminder to myself to be patient because I am actually a rather impatient person. So yea.


Happy "Sam" said…
I am great !!
My family also great !!
My new baby ok !!
My younger daughter very naughty keep disturb the small little brother !!
haha !!
May be want to play with him.
haha !!

Yes !!
Body healthy is great !!
More positive and energy !!
Aiyoyo !!
You are you ...
I want laugh then laugh !!
How handsome or pretty ... also got people complain ..

Be confident !!
You can do it !!
Fat also can wear skirt !!
Thin also can wear bikini !
hehe !!

You also need learn to do some make up.
So make up can protect your skin too.
Don't to over for it ...
haha !!

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