First Job
I just got my first job.
It's a new phase of my life.
At first, I was a little sad because well, I know I will miss university. I had such a great time in university. I was studying what I love, it was challenging and I had great friends there. All in all, it was awesome. One of the best times of my life. Truly.
To move on to a new phase of life after having such a great one, well, I am a little reluctant.
But the crazy thing about life is that it changes whether you like it or not. The sands shifts beneath your feet and time inches forward. And everything is different now. Whether you like it or not.
My university friends have also gotten jobs. We are already slowly moving on. The clock is ticking, moving forward whether or not I want it to.
Watching them get jobs makes me realize that everything is changing now. It's changing. And I have to change with the times too.
Anyway, I just started work. Everyone there is nice and friendly. I like that. The working environment seems kind. It feels like something I can get used to.
Honestly, I am just trying to keep an open mind and see where it goes. This time, I am just gonna trust the universe.
Maybe it's still new but when I walk into my office, everything is surreal. The fact that I am here, working. That a new chapter of my life has begun. My life has begun.
I feel like I have made it.
But honestly, we all know I haven't. I'm just starting out. I'm at the bottom of the pyramid. I just made my first step.
Anyhow, all this is pretty new to me. I'm still trying to figure all this out so wish me all the best.
First jobs !!
First start !!
Don't be sad....
That is a new step !!
How we miss the things ...
We can't stop going on to learn more !!
hehe !!
You can do it !!