
I got leaked exam results.
For me, when I get my results, I consider that the point of where I graduate.

Because when the exams end, it's still uncertain. You can still fail things and end up still in university because you need to retake the papers.

But when the results is out, it's certain. You know what grade you make. You know for certain, you don't have to go back there or if you have to go back there.

The results for my exams were...interesting. They were both to my expectations and out of my expectations.

My aim was first class, of course. And in the end, I only got second upper. 

Well, I am not too disappointed. 
In the end, it's not the grades that mattered.

It was what I learned. It was what has happened in this three years.

University has been magnificently wonderful to me.
I have learnt.

My university has taught me that I can think. That I am one of the best. We all are.
So chins up.
Smiles on.

We did it.
We survived. 
No, better than that. We thrived.

At the end of the day, some of us may not have gotten the results we wanted.
But boy, did we have fun?
But boy, did we learn?
But boy, did we do our best?
And it was yes to all of the above.

I feel like I have become a much better person. A more polished diamond. 

But of course, this is not the end of our journey. We have much more to travel. Alot more to learn.

But this s our life.
The world is our stage.
And may we play it to the best of our abilities.

Here's to us.
Here's to our life.
Here's to all our dreams and hopes.

Here's to everything.
To more.
To the future.
To the past.
To the present.


Happy "Sam" said…
wow !
second upper !!
Me too !!
That time i get 3.0 CGPA ~
Need to above 3.5 CGPA only can get first class !!
nvm !!

Already past !!
A least we try our best !!
so .. need slowly pay back PTPTN !!
If get first class then no need pay !!
haha !!

Yeah !!
New journey start for you !!
I am going to another journey !!
Teach kids !!
Alyssa said…
Congratulations! And second upper is not bad at all. :)

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